Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Popular Culture Analysis

Pop Culture Analysis
Fad diets are misleading

        Over the years, fad diets have been advertised as the miracle diets for anyone who has ever had difficulty losing unwanted pounds.  The makers of these diets prey on those who are looking for quick fixes.  This paper will answer the following questions concerning these diets:

1.      What theories seem to apply to my selected popular culture topic?
2.      How do these theories describe, analyze or evaluate the topic that has been selected?
3.      What insights were gained from applying these theories to the popular culture selected?

What theories seem to apply to the selected popular culture topic?

       The concepts of popular belief about fad diets are that they work. It is a myth that all one has to do is follow the diet plan, and they will miraculously be skinny.

The makers of these diets count on us believing that these fad diet plans work. They dupe us into believing that we do not have to change one's eating habits or lifestyles. All they want us to believe is that the one they are selling works. Some even advertise that one can still eat everything and lose if one follows their plan. As long as we're deceived into thinking that there are no sacrifices, we will buy into it. No one wants to have to work hard to look good. The easier it is the better.

How do these theories describe, analyze or evaluate the topic that has been selected?

       It is a myth that we can continue poor eating habits and still lose weight as long as we follow the diet plan. If we continue to eat the wrong foods, the process will not be beneficial. It is all for naught, and the pounds will not drop off. One will only continue to gain. The intake of food has to be controlled on a daily basis.

It is a myth that we do not have to exercise to lose weight. Exercise is an extremely critical part of the weight loss process if we want to be successful. This is the only way to burn the calories which contributes to weight loss.

What insights were gained from applying these theories to the popular culture selected?

        As long as we believe the diets work, we will subscribe and pay for them. As long as we as a society yearn to be thin, we will pay. As long as we believe that thin is superior we will pay. As long as society views larger people as inferior and less attractive, these fad diets will benefit. They will try to sell us every get rich scheme that can be produced. As long as these companies include Hollywood in these get rich schemes, we will buy into it.

The insight that I have gained from applying these theories is that we must first love ourselves for who we are. We cannot allow society to dictate what is and is not beautiful. People must be willing to change because they want to, not because it is the fad in Hollywood. We must also realize that these stars do not have to follow these fad diets. They can easily afford cooks and personal trainers to maintain their weight. They can afford the best surgeries to get rid of the weight all at once. The stars also have people to help them to maintain these perfect bodies that the average American would give anything for. We need to love ourselves for who we are.

1 comment:

  1. Talk about false advertising. You're right! So many of the fad diets advertise that all you have to do is take this pill, or eat these frozen meals. It's ridiculous! I do believe that Americans need to become healthier, but fad diets are definitely not the way. Good post!!
